The TAC lab publishes a variety of research in terrestrial and aquatic ecology. Our research ranges from effects of salmon-derived nutrients on plants to interactions between landscape structure and species interactions, and to improved conservation management. We focus on continuously asking science-based questions, studying ecological patterns, and training the next generation of conservation scientists!
Debora S. Obrist, Elizabeth Jane Pendray, Rachel D. Field, William Housty, Allison M. Dennert, Gerald W. Scoville, Chris T. Darimont, John D. Reynolds. (2024). Comparing Historical and Contemporary Observations of Avian Fauna on the Yáláƛi (Goose Island) Archipelago, British Columbia, Canada.
Price, M.H.H., Moore, J.W., McKinnell, S., Connors, B.M., and Reynolds, J.D. (2024) Habitat modulates population-specific responses of freshwater salmon growth to a century of change in climate and competition.
Dennert, A.M., Elle, E., & Reynolds, J.D. (2023). Experimental addition of marine-derived nutrients affects wildflower traits in a coastal meta-ecosystem. Royal Society Open Science 10: 221008.

Muñoz, N.J., Reid, B., Correa, C., Madriz, R.I., Neff, B.D. & Reynolds, J.D. (2022). Emergent trophic interactions following the Chinook salmon invasion of Patagonia.
Obrist, D.S., Hanly, P.J., Brown, N.E.M., Ernst, C.M., Wickham, S.B., Fitzpatrick, O.T., Kennedy, J.C., Nijland, W., Reshitnyk, L.Y., Darimont, C.T., Starzomski, B.M. & Reynolds, J.D. (2022). Biogeographic features mediate marine subsidies to island food webs.
Chalifour, L., Holt, C., Camaclang, AE., Bradford, M.J., Dixon, Flinn, R.J.R., Hemming, V., Hinch, S.G., Levings, C.D., MacDuffee, M., Nishimura, D.J.H., Pearson, M., Reynolds, J.D., Scott, D.C., Spremberg, U., Stark, S., Stevens, J., Baum, J.K., Martin, T.G. (2022). Identifying a pathway towards recovery for depleted Pacific wild salmon populations in a large watershed under multiple stressors. Journal of Applied Ecology
Obrist, D.S., Fitzpatrick, O.T., Brown, N.E.M., Hanly, P.J., Nijland, W., Rishitnyk, L.Y., Wickham, S.B., Darimont, C.T., Reynolds, J.D. & Starzomski, B.M. (2022). Scale-dependent effects of marine subsidies on the island biogeographic patterns of plants. Ecology & Evolution.
Taylor, E.B., Mandrak, N.E., Post, J.R. & Reynolds, J.D. (2022). Conservation of Canadian freshwater fishes: current status, challenges, and research needs. In: Freshwater Fishes of Canada (C. Hasler, ed.), AFS Books. (in press).

Walters, K.E., Reynolds, J.D. and Ydenberg, R.C. (2021). Ideal free eagles: Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) distribution in relation to Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) availability on four spawning rivers.

Wilcox, K.A., Wagner, M.A. & Reynolds, J.D. (2021). Salmon subsidies predict territory size and habitat selection of an avian insectivore. PLOS One

Price, M.H.H., Moore, J.W., Connors, B.M., Wilson, K.L. & Reynolds, J.D. (2021). Portfolio simplification arising from a century of change in salmon population diversity and artificial propagation. Journal of Applied Ecology

Rammell, N.F., Dennert, A.M., Ernst, C.M. & Reynolds, J.D. (2021). Effects of spawning Pacific salmon on terrestrial invertebrates: insects near spawning habitat are isotopically enriched with nitrogen-15 but display no differences in body size. Ecology and Evolution

Kieran, C.N., Obrist, D.S., Muñoz, N.J., Hanly, P.J. & Reynolds, J.D. (2021). Riparian forest productivity reflects cyclical variation in salmon returns through remote sensing. Ecosphere

Davidson, K.H., Starzomski, B.M., El-Sabaawi, R., Hocking, M.D., Reynolds, J.D, Wickham, S.B. & Darimont, C.T. (2021). Marine subsidy promotes spatial and dietary niche variation in an omnivore, the Keen’s mouse (Peromyscus keeni). Ecology & Evolution 11: 17700-17722.

Obrist, D.S., Hanly, P.J., Kennedy, J.C., Fitzpatrick, O.T., Wickham, S., Nijland, W., Reshitnyk, L., Darimont, C.T., Starzomski, B.M, & Reynolds, J.D. (2020) Marine subsidies drive patterns in avian island biogeography. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 287, 20200108.
Siemens, L.D., Dennert, A.M., Obrist, D.S. & Reynolds, J.D. (2020) Spawning salmon density influences fruit production of salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis). Ecosphere 11(11):e03282. 10.1002/ecs2.3282

Brown, C.J., Parker, B., Hocking, M.D. & Reynolds, J.D. (2020) Salmon abundance and patterns of forest greenness as measured by satellite. Science of the Total Environment 725: 138448.
Wickham, S.B, Shackleford, N., Darimont, C.T., Reynolds, J.D., Nijland, W., Reshitnyk, L.Y. & Starzomski, B.M. (2020) Seaweed wrack delivery and accumulation on island shorelines. Marine Ecology Progress Series 635: 37-54.
Muñoz, N.J., Reid, B., Correa, C., Neff, B.D. & Reynolds, J.D. (2020) Non-native Chinook salmon add nutrient subsidies and functional novelty to Patagonian streams.Freshwater Biology.

Castañeda, R.A., and 17 others. (2020). A brief history of fishing in Canada. Fisheries Magazine (150th Anniversary Celebration).
Walsh, J.C., Pendray, J.E., Godwin, S.C., Artelle, K.A., Kindsvater, H.K., Field, R.D., Harding, J.N., Swain, N.R. & Reynolds, J.D. (2020) Relationships between Pacific salmon and aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems: a quantitative review. Ecology 101, e03060
Godwin, S.C., Krkošek, M., Reynolds, J.D. & Bateman, A. (2020) Sea louse abundance on salmon farms in relation to parasite-control policy and climate change. ICES Journal of Marine Science . fsaa173,

Walsh, J.C., Connors, K., Hertz, E., Kehoe, L., Martin, T.G., Connors, B., Freshwater, C., Frid, A., Halverson, J., Moore, J.W., Price, M.H.H. & Reynolds, J.D. (2020) Prioritizing conservation actions for Pacific salmon recovery. Journal of Applied Ecology 2020;00:1–12. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13646.
Godwin, S.C., Krkošek, M., Reynolds, J.D. & Bateman, A. (2020) Bias in self-reported parasite data from the salmon farming industry. Ecological Applications.
Westwood, A.R., Otto, S.P., Mooers, A., Darimont, C., Hodges, K.E., Johnson, C., Starzomski, B.M., Burton, C., Chan, K.A., Festa-Bianchet, M., Fluker, S., Gulati, S., Jacob, A.L., Kraus, D., Martin, T.G., Palen, W.J., Reynolds, J.D. & Whitton, J. (2019) Protecting biodiversity in British Columbia: Recommendations for developing species at risk legislation. Facets 4, 136-160.
Wagner, M.A. & Reynolds, J.D. (2019) Salmon increase forest bird abundance and diversity. PLOS ONE 14, e0210031 Feb 6, 2019.
Mooers, A. & Reynolds, J. (2019) Losing some species may matter more than losing others. The Conversation, January 10, 2019.

Artelle, K.A., Reynolds, J.D., Treves, A., Walsh, J.C., Paquet, P.C. & Darimont, C.T. (2018) Distinguishing science from "fact by assertion" in natural resource management. Science Advances. Response to eLetter. 12 April 2018.

Bailey, C.J., Braun, D.C., McCubbing, D., Reynolds, J.D., Ward, B., Davies, T.D. & Moore, J.W. (2018) Multiple drivers of freshwater life-history dynamics of a migratory salmonid: the roles of density-dependence, nutrient subsidies, species interactions, and climate. Ecosphere 9, Article eO2397: 1-22.
Van den Top, G.G., Reynolds, J.D., Prins, H.H.T., Mattsson, J., Green, D.J., Ydenberg, R.C. (2018) From salmon to salmonberry: The effects of salmon-derived nutrients on the stomatal density of leaves of the nitriphilic shrub Rubus spectabilis. Functional Ecology 32, 2625-2633. DOI:10.1111/1365-2435.13202
Cowan, L., & Reynolds, J. (2016) Colony Farm Regional Park. In: The Birder's Guide to Vancouver and the Lower Mainland (ed. C. Clasen), p 184-189. Harbour Publishing, Ltd., Madeira Park, BC.

Hanrahan, C., & Reynolds, J. (2016) Minnekhada Regional Park / Addington Marsh / DeBoville Slough. In: The Birder's Guide to Vancouver and the Lower Mainland (ed. C. Clasen), p 170-175. Harbour Publishing, Ltd., Madeira Park, BC.

Nelson, M.C. & Reynolds, J.D. (2015) Effects of subsidies from spawning chum and pink salmon on juvenile coho salmon body size and migration timing. Ecosphere 6, Article 209: 1-14
Lapointe, N.W.R., Cooke, S.J., Imhof, J.G., Boisclair, D., Casselman, J.M., Curry, R.A., Langer, O.E., McLaughlin, R.L., Minns, C.K., Post, J.R., Power, M., Rasmussen, J.B., Reynolds, J.D., Richardson, J.S., & Tonn, W.M. (2014) Principles for ensuring healthy and productive freshwater ecosystems that support sustainable fisheries. Environmental Reviews 22, 1-25.
Ciannelli, L., Hunsicker, M., Beaudreau, A., Bailey, K., Crowder, L., Finley, C., Webb, C., Reynolds, J., Sagmiller, K., Anderies, J.M., Hawthorne, D., Parrish, J., Heppell, S., Conway, F., Chigbu, P. (2014) Transdisciplinary graduate education in marine resource science and management. ICES Journal of Marine Science DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsu067.
Reynolds, J.D., Côté, I.M. & Favaro, B. (2012) A bleak day for the environment. Nature 487, 171.

Molloy, P.P., Côté, I.M. & Reynolds, J.D. (2012) Why spawn in aggreggations? In: Reef Fish Spawning Aggregations: Biology, Research, and Management (eds. Y.J. Sadovy & P. Colin).

Dulvy, N.K., Reynolds, J.D., Pilling, G.M., Pinnegar, J.K., Phillips, J.S, Allison, E.H., & Badjeck, M.-C. (2011) Fisheries management and governance challenges in a climate change. In: The economics of adapting fisheries to climate change. (Ed. OECD) pp. 31-88. (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Publishing).
Reynolds, J.D. (2010) Summary of Think Tank findings. In: Summit on Fraser River sockeye salmon: understanding stock declines and prospects for the future (P. Gallaugher & L. Wood, eds.). Speaking for the Salmon Proceedings, Simon Fraser University.

Dulvy, N.K., Pinnegar, J.K. & Reynolds, J.D. (2009) Holocene extinctions in the sea. In: Holocene Extinctions (ed. S.T. Turvey), pp. 129-150. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Walters, C.J., Lichatowich, J.A., Peterman, R.J. & Reynolds, J.D. (2008) Report of the Skeena Independent Science Review Panel. A report to the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the British Columbia Ministry of the Environment. May 15, 2008. 140 p.

Haig-Brown Symposium on Sustaining Wild Salmon: Moving From Words to Action. (2008) Speaking for the Salmon Symposium (P. Gallaugher & L. Wood, eds.). Centre for Coastal Studies, Simon Fraser University.

Hard, J.J., Gross, M.R., Heino, M., Hilborn, R., Kope, R.G., Law, R. & Reynolds, J.D. (2008) Evolutionary consequences of fishing and their implications for salmon. Evolutionary Applications 1, 388-408.

Lengkeek, W., Didderen, K., Côté, I.M., van der Zee, E., Snoek, R.R.C. & Reynolds, J.D. (2008) Plasticity in sexual size dimorphism and Rensch's rule in Mediterranean blennies (Blenniidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 86, 1173-1178.

Einum, S., Nislow, K.H., Reynolds, J.D. & Sutherland, W.J. (2008) Predicting population responses to breeding habitat restoration in Atlantic salmon. Journal of Applied Ecology 45, 939-938.

Molloy, P.P., Reynolds, J.D., Gage, M.J.G., Mosqueira, I. & Côté, I.M. (2008) Links between sex change and fish densities in marine protected areas. Biological Conservation 141, 187-197.

Brooks, S.E., Reynolds, J.D. & Allison, E.H. (2008) Sustained by snakes? Seasonal livelihood strategies and resource conservation by Tonle Sap Fishers in Cambodia. Human Ecology 36, 835-851.

Reynolds, J.D. & Peres, C.A. (2006) Overexploitation. In: Principles of Conservation Biology (3rd Edition, eds. M.J. Groom, G.K. Meffe & C.R. Carroll), pp. 253-277. Sinauer Associates, Inc, Sunderland, Massachusetts.

Roberts, C.M., Reynolds, J.D., Côté, I.M. & Hawkins, J.P. (2006) Redesigning coral reef conservation. In: Coral Reef Conservation (eds. I.M. Côté & J.D. Reynolds), pp. 515-537. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Allison, E.H., Adjer, W.N., Badjeck, M.-C., Brown, K., Conway, D., Dulvy, N.K., Halls, A., Perry, A. & Reynolds, J.D. (2005) Effects of climate change on the sustainability of capture and enhancement fisheries important to the poor: analysis of the vulnerability and adaptability of fisherfolk living in poverty. Fisheries Management Science Programme, Department for International Development, UK.
Reynolds, J.D. & R.P. Freckleton. (2005) Population dynamics: growing to extremes. Science 309, 567-568.

Reynolds, J.D. (2004) Red-necked phalaropes at La Pérouse Bay, 1982-1984. In: Birdlife of the Churchill Region: Status, History, Biology (by J.R. Jehl, Jr.), p. 86. Trafford Publishing, Victoria, Canada.

Fleming, I.A. & Reynolds, J.D. (2004) Salmonid breeding systems. In: Evolution Illuminated: Salmon and Their Relatives. (eds. A.P. Hendry & S.C. Stearns), pp. 264-294. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Reynolds, J.D. & Goodwin, N.B. (2004). Threats to fishes. Box 6.1 In: 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: A Global Species Assessment (eds. J.E.M. Baillie, C. Hilton-Taylor & S.N. Stuart), pp. 89-90. IUCN Species Survival Commission, Gland, Switzerland.

Reynolds, J.D. (2002) Behind the scenes in the grant review process. NERC News Spring 2002, 12-13.

Hart, P.J.B. & Reynolds, J.D. (2002) The human dimension of fisheries science. In: Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries: Volume 2, Fisheries (eds. P.J.B. Hart & J.D. Reynolds), pp. 1-10. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.

Liker, A., Reynolds, J.D. & Székely, T. (2001) The evolution of egg size in polyandrous shorebirds. Oikos 95, 3-14.

Reynolds, J.D. (2001) Breeding systems. In: Frontiers of Life, Vol. 4, pp. 299-311. Academic Press, San Diego.

Pre 2000
Jones, J.C. & Reynolds, J.D. (1999) Costs of egg ventilation for male common gobies breeding in conditions of low dissolved oxygen. Animal Behaviour 57, 181-188.

Reynolds, J.D. (1999) Breeding systems. In: The Biology of Behaviour (eds. P. Bateson & E. Alleva), 289-302. Encyclopedia Italiana.

Jones, J.C. & Reynolds, J.D. (1999) Oxygen and the trade-off between egg ventilation and brood protection in the common goby (Pomatoschistus microps). Behaviour 136, 819-832.

Jones, J.C. & Reynolds, J.D. (1999) The influence of oxygen stress on female choice for male nest structure in the common goby. Animal Behaviour 57, 189-196.

Reynolds, J.D. & Mace, G.M. (1999) Risk assessments of threatened species. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 14, 215-217.

Côté, I.M., Vinyoles, D., Reynolds, J.D., Doadrio, I. & Perdices, A. (1999) Potential impacts of gravel extraction on Spanish populations of river blennies (Salaria fluviatilis: Pisces, Blenniidae). Biological Conservation 87, 359-367.

Rogers, S.I., Clarke, K.R. & Reynolds, J.D. (1999) The taxonomic distinctness of coastal bottom-dwelling fish communities of the North-east Atlantic. Journal of Animal Ecology 68, 769-782.

Kokko, H., Mackenzie, A., Reynolds, J.D., Lindström, J. & Sutherland, W.J. (1999) Measures of inequality are not equal. American Naturalist 154, 358-382.

Jennings, S., Reynolds, J.D. & Polunin, N.V.C. (1999) Predicting the vulnerability of tropical reef fishes to exploitation with phylogenies and life histories. Conservation Biology 13, 1466-1475.

Jennings, S., Greenstreet, S.P.R. & Reynolds, J.D (1999). Structural change in an exploited fish community: a consequence of differential fishing effects on species with contrasting life histories. Journal of Animal Ecology 68, 617-627.